Small Walker Press taking book launch online

Two books will be celebrated this week as the Small Walker Press (SWP) hosts its inaugural Virtual Book Launch.

The innovative publishing house, homed in the Centre for Studies in Arts and Culture at the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts at Brock University, will hold the online event Wednesday, Oct. 21.

The SWP publishes collaborative work that brings together authors of creative fiction, scholars and artists from different disciplines. Predicated on and valuing interdisciplinary co-operation and the exploration of image and text, it seeks to contribute to and participate in the promotion of book culture.

In 2019-2020, the Small Walker Press published five books, two of which will be celebrated during the Virtual Book Launch: Built to Ruin: Between Invisibility and Suburbia by Alejandro Cartagena, Tim Conley and Nicholas Hauck, as well as The Dark Redacted by Donna Szoke and Gary Barwin.

Both books explore the theme of invisibility, whether from a socioeconomic perspective or under the form of an intimate testimonial.

The book launch, held at 5 p.m. on Lifesize, will include a discussion with the authors, SWP editors Catherine Parayre and Derek Knight, and guest speaker Renée van der Avoird, Curator at the Ontario Gallery of Art.

Participants are asked to register for free on Eventbrite.

More information on the Small Walker Press is available online.

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