Small Walker Press

The Small Walker Press addresses the research and creative interests of faculty members at the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts at Brock University, and engages with authors, artists and academics alike to produce small, innovative publications.

We publish collaborative work that brings together authors and artists from the Niagara Region as well as the Canadian or international contexts. Fields covered include all disciplines and creative practices taught and researched at the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts (Arts and Culture, Visual Arts, Music, Dramatic Arts) as well as creative writing.

Examples include, but are not limited to, exhibition catalogues, artist’s books, chap books, short essay format and creative writing as well as online art folios or editions and recorded sound work or interviews. Publications may be in English, French or other languages.

The Small Walker Press is predicated on and values interdisciplinary cooperation and the exploration of image and text. It seeks to contribute to and participate in the promotion of book culture.


Catherine Parayre (Studies in Arts and Culture / Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures) and Nicholas Hauck (Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures).

Art and Literary advisor

Derek Knight (Visual Arts)


Bernhard Cella
The Salon für Kunstbuch
Vienna, Austria


Catherine Parayre ([email protected])

2024 Publications: Blurs and Vagueness

Cover image of Midnight Deer Abstractions showing blue, green and white brushstrokes.

Geoff Farnsworth and Erin Knight

Midnight Deer Abstractions

Cover image of A Glossary of Illegibility, title printed on scored handmade white paper

Linda Carreiro and Lan “Florence” Yee

A Glossary of Illegibility

Other SWP publications for 2024

Cover Image of Latitudes by Derek Knight and Shawn Serfas, white text agains red, blue and black swirls

Derek Knight and Shawn Serfas


2023 Publications: Books and Archives

Bernhard Cella and Seth Weiner


Brandon LaBelle and Annette le Fort

Touch, and Tender Readings. Books as Archives.

Other SWP publications for 2023

Catherine Parayre, Shawn Serfas, Paul Savoie, Angela Cozea, Thomas Ayouti, Alexander Christie, Nicholas Hauck


2022 Publications: Fictive Architecture

Possible Grounds. Redrawing Relations in Toronto

Adrian Blackwell and Bonnie Devine

Beneath a Velvet Moon. Early Love Poems

Pauline Johnson Tekahionwake and Landon Mackenzie

Other SWP publications for 2022

Tewaaraton. La crosse / Lacrosse
Paul Savoie (short story), Marjorie Kaniehtonkie Skidders (photography), Jason Stefanik / Jay Stafinak (poem), and the Toronto Experimental Translation Collective (creative writing)

Rethinking property in c\a\n\a\d\a

A round table with Adrian Blackwell (artist), David Fortin (architect), Bonnie Devine (artist), Tiffany Kaewen Dang (geographer), and luugigyoo patrick reid stewart (architect)

E-Book, Free Access


Donna Szöke

E-Book, Free Access

2021 Publications: Music and Choreography

Arc, a choreographed poem.
Paul Savoie (text) and Mélanie Mesager (choreography)

Improvising Places / Improvising Time
Devon Fornelli (music notation) and Thomas Ayouti (creative writing)


Industrial Niagara
Candace Couse,
Catherine Parayre,
Shawn Serfas,
Donna Szőke

Engaging with Digital Texts/Images in Literatures and the Arts
Carmela Colella, Tamara El-Hoss, and Catherine Parayre, ed.

2020 Publications: INVISIBILITY

Built to Ruin:
Between Invisibility and Suburbia
Alejandro Cartagena with creative writing by Tim Conley and Nicholas Hauck

The Dark Redacted
Donna Szőke and Gary Barwin

Other SWP publications for 2020 include:

Videopoetry/ Vidéopoésie
Daniel H. Dugas and Valerie LeBlanc

Natalee Caple, Alexander Christie, Nicholas Hauck, Derek Knight, Catherine Parayre, Shawn Serfas

Im/migrant Passages: Crossing Visual, Spatial and Textual Boundaries
Carmela Colella, Tamara El-Hoss, and Catherine Parayre, ed.

2019 Publications: Environmental Degradation

Shawn Serfas, with creative writing by Richard Fausset and an essay by Derek Knight

The Quarry
Adam Dickinson and Lorène Bourgeois


Small Walker Press publications can be purchased at the following locations:

Art Metropole
Toronto, Canada

Campus Store (available only on occasion and as a course text for registered students)
Brock University, St. Catharines

The Salon fürKunstbuch
Vienna, Austria

Someday Books
St. Catharines, Ontario

Venice, Italy

A Brief History

Small Walker Press, a project of the Research Centre in Interdisciplinary Arts and Creative Culture.

The Small Walker Press and related events (artists’ talks, zine workshops, etc.) are STAC contribution to the Walker Cultural Leader Series.

The Walker Cultural Leader series brings leading artists, performers, practitioners and academics to the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts at Brock University. Engaging, lively and erudite, these sessions celebrate professional achievement, artistic endeavour and the indelible role of culture in our society. This education program is generously funded by Marilyn I. Walker.

In November 2017, the artist, curator and art book maker, Bernhard Cella (House 21/ Belvedere and Salon für Kunstbuch, Vienna, Austria) visited the Marilyn I. Walker School to demonstrate and perform contemporary book making (at Rodman Hall Art Centre) and host a book-making workshop at the Niagara Artists Centre.

In 2018, inspired by Bernhard Cella’s visit, STAC created the Small Walker Press whose objective is to produce books by members of the MIWSFPA and in the Humanities to promote the creative work of cultural leaders in our region. Fields covered include all disciplines or practices taught and researched at the School as well as programs that teach creative writing in the Humanities. These books may be single-authored or group contributions. Examples include but are not limited to: exhibition catalogues, artist’s books, creative writing, course-generated projects, (online) sound work. Publications may be in English, French or other languages. Additional objectives include: interdisciplinary cooperation, promotion of book culture, exploration of image and text, dissemination of knowledge, pedagogical participation, and students’ professionalization. Small Walker Press books are designed by Bernhard Cella.

Bernhard Cella, with Catherine Parayre: Interview for Studies in Arts and Culture, Walker Cultural Leader Series, Brock University.

Recorded November 01, 2017. 14:05 min. Brock Radio 103.7 FM (Niagara, Canada), Tuesday, February 13, 2018. 16:30.

The Small Walker Press is homed in the Centre for Studies in Arts and Culture and receives the support of the Walker Cultural Leader series. Generously funded by Marilyn I. Walker, The Walker Cultural Leader Series brings leading artists, performers, practitioners and academics to the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts at Brock University. Engaging, lively and erudite, it celebrates professional achievement, artistic endeavour and the indelible role of culture in our society.