Brock Talks to focus on origins of acclaimed student History project

The story of how 10 Brock History students came together during the pandemic to build an internationally acclaimed digital project is at the centre of the next Brock Talks event.

On Thursday, Oct. 29, Associate Professor of History Danny Samson will share how this student-led project on the history of 18th century Acadia came to be.

Samson will discuss how to encourage students to create and share their own historical works with a public audience hungry for stories about the past.

Brock Talks is an ongoing collaboration between the Faculty of Humanities and the St. Catharines Public Library. The series features six talks from September to April.

Samson’s talk, “Making/Teaching History in the Pandemic,” will be held virtually on Zoom beginning at 7 p.m. It is free to attend, but pre-registration is required.

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