Brock community encouraged to refer students in need

As most Brock students complete their classes remotely, the University’s Campus Assessment, Response and Education (CARE) team is reminding all members of the Brock community to look out for one another virtually.

Formerly known as the Student at Risk team, CARE has been established to manage situations involving students-at-risk of harm to themselves or others due to mental well-being, social challenges or other concerns and connects students to appropriate services throughout the University.

Through a case team approach, CARE facilitates a co-ordinated response to mental health concerns and referrals to provide students with support that will enable a healthy and successful future.

Darryl Veld, Brock’s Associate Director of Student Affairs, said the entire Brock community needs to pay extra attention and let CARE know if it seems like someone is having a tough time.

“Keep our team in mind,” he said. “We normally have many more dons and TAs sending referrals and we don’t want anyone to be missed. Mental health concerns have escalated during the pandemic and we must continue to get individuals connected with the resources they need.”

To help determine when a referral should be made, Veld hopes the Brock community will watch a new video posted on the CARE website and at the bottom of this story.

“Touch points will be tougher for us to navigate with fewer people on campus,” said Veld. “If something doesn’t feel right, bring it forward. There is no harm in letting us know and we are happy to consider every matter people feel unsure of.”

Common referrals to CARE concern students who are at risk of harm to themselves or others when facing academic concerns, adjustment issues, behavioural concerns, career or graduation concerns, death or grief, financial challenges, personal health or wellness issues, relationships, student engagement concerns, or other concerns.

With representatives from Campus Security Services, Student Wellness and Accessibility, Residences, the Registrar’s Office, Human Rights and Equity, Brock International, and Student Affairs making up CARE, Veld said the team is ready to work together to help students manage their mental health.

“We have created a culture of caring at the University, and a large part of that is looking after one another,” he said. “These cases may not initially seem critical, but sometimes what we see can only be a small piece of the puzzle, and there can be much more going on.”

A referral to CARE can be made by anyone on the CARE website or by emailing Veld at

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