Nominations are now open for faculty, students, staff and Brock volunteers to be recognized for making great contributions to creating a community free from discrimination.
The Accessibility and Inclusion Recognition Award (AIRA), given annually on Dec. 3 in honour of International Day of Persons with Disabilities, aims to allow for allyship to be strengthened and to act as an invitation into the dialogue of how we can remove barriers that limit access to equality.
“By creating the AIRA, we really felt as though this might be the best way to start a conversation around how allyships can begin,” said Christopher Lytle, Accessibility and Inclusion Advisor for the Office of Human Rights and Equity Services. “Personally, the AIRA means a lot. Conversations around diversity and inclusion have to include elements of discussion that look at disability. Without that, we lose a fundamental portion of the discussion.”
Nomination requirements:
- Name of person
- Contact person and contact information
- Description of outstanding service to anti-ableism, accessibility or inclusive practise
Please note:
- Nominations must be accompanied by two (2) letters of support
- Nominations must be submitted to Christopher Lytle at by Friday, Nov. 22
- Nominations will be reviewed by the Brock University Accessibility Advisory Committee