Weekly research and scholarship Q&A video series launched

Why do bees live in groups? How can I tell if I’m a perfectionist? How does climate change affect the grape and wine industry?

Life is full of questions that range from the concrete to the abstract.

Whether we need to know how many hours of shut-eye are required to be healthy or want to know what we can learn about an ancient society from their shipwrecks, we all seek knowledge at some level.

Brock University’s researchers and scholars are passionate about exploring life’s many questions and sharing what they’ve learned with those within and beyond Brock’s walls.

To that end, Brock University has launched Find the Answer. Each Monday, a different topic is posted on TV screens across campus and shared through social media. The posting promotes a video in which one of our researchers or scholars reveals insights on a topic arising out of their work.

The videos are also posted on YouTube and past videos live on the Find the Answer web page.

“We’re using multiple platforms, creatively packaged, to get the message across that our research and scholarship is relevant, helpful and interesting,” says Kevin Cavanagh, Interim Executive Director of Marketing and Communications.

“We take very seriously our responsibility to share the knowledge and insights we generate through our research and scholarship,” says Tim Kenyon, Vice-President, Research. “Find the Answer is a way for us to make a difference in society by addressing real-world situations in an engaging and clear way.”

For suggestions on topics, or to become involved, contact: orsadmin@brocku.ca

Read more stories in: Digital Displays, Faculty & staff, Featured, Graduate Studies, News, People, Research
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