Anonymous reporting tool available to Brock community

Members of the Brock community are reminded of an anonymous hotline and website where they can disclose concerns about suspected improper activity at the University.

As key components of the University’s Safe Disclosure Policy, the toll-free phone line, 1-855-484-CARE (2273), and website allow the University community to communicate privately and anonymously 24-7 to Grant Thornton’s CARE service, a third-party consultant that is independent from University administration.

Examples of improper activity include a breach of University policy, violation of legal or regulatory requirements, research misconduct and financial misconduct, such as theft, forgery, misappropriation of University assets, using University records or property for personal gain, or receiving payments for goods or services not received or hours not worked.

Disclosures must be made in accordance with the Safe Disclosure Policy and Procedures, which apply to all Brock employees, students, volunteers, contractors and suppliers.

Whenever possible, disclosures should be made directly to the unit responsible for the area of concern. Additional disclosure avenues include Brock University’s Legal Counsel, Campus Security, Human Rights and Equity, Human Resources and Internal Audit Services.

People uncomfortable disclosing in person are then encouraged to use the Grant Thornton CARE service. Upon logging into the CARE system, disclosures receive an access code to a secure portal, which lets the University respond without compromising anonymity.

Regardless of the method used, disclosures reported are reviewed by the University’s internal Disclosure Review Team that assesses whether there are reasonable grounds to investigate and whether there is any reason to believe the disclosure is not made in good faith. If the disclosure is determined to have reasonable grounds and to have been made in good faith, the disclosure will either be referred to the appropriate policy owner for investigation pursuant to the applicable policy or referred to Internal Audit Services for investigation if there is no applicable policy.

The Safe Disclosure Policy also makes a priority of protecting from reprisal anyone who makes a good faith disclosure — in other words, a report of suspected improper activity that is, “based on reasonable belief and is not malicious, frivolous or vexatious.”

For more information on the Safe Disclosure Policy and Procedures or Grant Thornton CARE services, email

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