Deadline nearing for Sustainability Poetry Contest

There’s still time to enter the 2019 Sustainability Poetry Contest, presented by Brock University’s UNESCO Chair in Community Sustainability, Liette Vasseur.

Poets are encouraged to submit their English and French poems that relate to this year’s theme, International Year of Indigenous Languages, until Friday, Feb. 15 at 5 p.m.

The contest is open to all residents of Niagara (inclusive of members of First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities and Six Nations), and will operate in co-operation with Indigenous groups and stakeholders across the region.

Poems can be submitted online by visiting the UNESCO Chair’s website or via email to [email protected]

Prizes such as books and gift cards will be awarded in each of four categories: elementary student; high school student; college/university student; and general public.

Winners will be announced at the UNESCO World Poetry Day celebration at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, March 21 at Mahtay Café in downtown St. Catharines.

The event is free and open to the public, but registration will be required as space is limited. Register on Eventbrite.

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