Brock Media Clips for Tuesday, Aug. 7

Here’s a look at some of the media attention Brock University received recently.

Low rainfall may have led to Roman emperors’ assassinations: Research from Brock University Assistant Professor of Economics Cornelius Christian about prolonged periods of low rainfall and drought in the Roman Empire was recently explored on the website of the UK’s Telegraph newspaper. Christian and Liam Elbourne from St. Francis Xavier University found a correlation between periods of low rainfall, like those currently being experienced by much of Europe, and the assassination of 25 Roman emperors.

Beverage choices in pizza shops help to grow bottom line: An article in Canadian Pizza Magazine included research from Brock’s Goodman School of Business Associate Dean and Cool Climate and Viticulture Institute Fellow Tek Thongpapanl, who said that sparkling wine could be one of several beverages to increase the amount customers spend while eating out.

Research finds increased rates of obesity and diabetes in U.S. countryside: A Brock research team headed by Assistant Professor of Health Sciences Rebecca MacPherson has found that Alzheimer’s disease mortality rates are higher for Americans living in rural counties when compared to those living in more urban areas. Their work was featured in an article on

Private marijuana shops could reduce illicit sales: In a Toronto Star article, Associate Professor of Operations Research Michael Armstrong highlighted the inconvenience that could be caused by selling marijuana through 40 provincial stores instead of private operations.

If you know of an appearance or story about a Brock faculty member, student, athlete or alumni, please drop us a line with a link to the story at

Read more stories in: Applied Health Sciences, Business, Faculty & staff, In the Media, News, Research
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