
For complete publication lists please visit the individual websites for the member researchers.

Highlighted publications

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Akseer, N., Kish, K., Rigby, WA., Greenway, M., Klentrou, P., Wilson, PM., Falk, B. (2015). Does bracing affect bone health in women with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis? Scoliosis, 10:5. DOI: 10.1186/s13013-015-0031-1

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Behm, D.G., Faigenbaum, A.D., Falk, B., Klentrou, P. (2008). Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology Position Paper: Resistance Training in Children and Adolescents. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism, 33:547-561. Invited paper.

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Dodington, DW., Fritz, PC., Sullivan, PJ., Ward, WE. (2015). Higher Intakes of Fruits and Vegetables, β-Carotene, Vitamin C, α-Tocopherol, EPA, and DHA Are Positively Associated with Periodontal Healing after Nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy in Nonsmokers but not in Smokers. J Nutr., 145 (11):2512-9.

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Dotan, R., Mitchell, C., Cohen, R., Gabriel, D., Klentrou, P., Falk, B. (2013). Child-adult differences in the kinetics of torque development. J. Sports Sci., 31(9): 945-953.

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Dotan, R., Mitchell, C., Cohen, R., Gabriel, D., Klentrou, P., Falk, B. (2013). Explosive sport training and torque kinetics in children. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab., 38(7): 740-745.

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Dotan, R., Mitchell, C., Cohen, R., Klentrou, P., Gabriel, D., Falk, B. (2012). Child—Adult Differences in Muscle Activation – A Review. Pediatric Exercise Science, 24:2-21. Invited review.

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Dunford, E., Herbst, E., Jeoung, N.H., Gittings, W., Greig Inglis, J., Vandenboom, R., LeBlanc, P.J., Harris, R.A., Peters, S.J. (2011). PDH activation during in vitro muscle contractions in PDH kinase 2 knockout mice: the effect of PDK1 compensation. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp 300(6): R1487-1493.

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Fajardo, V.A., Bombardier, E.B., McMillan, E., Tran K., Wadsworth, B.J., Gamu, D., Hopf, A., Vigna, C., Smith, I.C., Bellissimo, C., Michel, R.N., Tarnopolsky, M.A., Quadrilatero, J., Tupling, A.R. (2015). Phospholamban overexpression in mice causes a centronuclear myopathy-like phenotype. Disease Models and Mechanisms8:999-1009.

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Falk, B., Eliakim, A. (2014). Endocrine Response to Resistance Training in Children. Pediatric Exercise Science, 26(4):404-422.

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Gammage, KL., Gasparotto, J., Mack, DE., Klentrou, P.  (2011). Gender differences in Osteoporosis Health Beliefs and Knowledge and their relation to vigorous physical activity in university students. J. Am. College Health, 60(1): 58-64.

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Gammage, KL., Klentrou, P. (2011). Predicting Osteoporosis Prevention Behaviors: Health Beliefs and Knowledge. Am. J. Health Behav., 35(3): 371-382.

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Herbst, E.A.MacPherson, R.E.K., LeBlanc, P.J., Roy, B.D., Jeoung, N.H., Harris, R.A., Peters, S.J. (2014). Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase-4 contributes to the recirculation of gluconeogenic precursors during post-exercise glycogen recovery. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 306(2): R102-R107.

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Johnston, BD.Fritz, PC., Ward, WE. (2013). Use of dietary supplements in patients receiving treatment at a periodontal clinic. Nutrients, 5(4):1110-1121.

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Kish, K., Mezil, Y., Ward, WE., Klentrou, P., Falk, B. (2015). Effects of a single session of plyometric exercise on markers of bone turnover in boys and men. Eur. J. Applied Physiol., 115: 2115–2124.

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Klentrou, P., Flouris, AD., Aird, JR., Cieslak, T. (2012). Secretory Immunity and Frequency of Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Relation to Salivary Cortisol and Physical Activity in University Students. In P.(N.) Klentrou (ed): Physical Activity and Exercise: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, ATINER, Athens, Greece, 129-139.

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Klentrou, P., Ludwa, IA. (2011). Quantitative bone ultrasound measurements in young females 14-23 years of age. J. Women’s Health, 20(5): 677-683.

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Klentrou, P., Ludwa, IA., Falk, B. (2011). Factors associated with bone turnover and tibial speed of sound in early and late-pubertal females. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab., 36: 707-714.

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Lau, B., Johnston, BD., Fritz, PC., Ward, WE. (2013). Dietary strategies to optimize wound healing after periodontal and dental implant surgery: an evidence-based review. Open Dentistry Journal, 7:36-46.

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Ludwa, IA., Klentrou, P. (2012). Physical activity interactions with bone accrual in children and adolescents. In: Y. Dionyssiotis (Ed.), Osteoporosis. InTech Open Access Publishers, 379-408.

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Ludwa, IA., O’Leary, DD., Wade, TJ., Cairney, J., Falk, B., Klentrou, P. (2013). The effect of adiposity on the relationship between indicators of maturity in peri-pubertal children. Ann. Human Biol.40(1): 70-74.

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MacPherson, R.E.K., Peters, SJ. (2015). Piecing together the puzzle of perilipin proteins and skeletal muscle lipolysis. Applied Physiol Nutr Metab 40(7): 641-651.

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Marquardt, D., Kučerka, N., Wassall, S.R., Harroun, T., Katsaras, J. (2016). Cholesterol’s Location in Lipid Bilayers. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids,199, 17-25.

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Marquardt, D., Alsop, R.J., Rheinstädter, M.C., Harroun, T. (2015). Neutron Scattering at the Intersection of Heart Health Science and Biophysics. Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease, 2(2), 125-140.

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Mezil, Y., Allison, D., Kish, K., Ditor, D., Tsiani, E., Ward, WE., Klentrou, P. (2015). Response of bone turnover markers and cytokines to high-intensity low-impact exercise. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 47: 1495-1502

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Mitchell, C., Cohen, R., Dotan, R., Gabriel, D., Klentrou, P., Falk, B. (2011). Rate of Muscle Activation in Power- and Endurance-Trained Boys. Int. J. Sports Physiol. Performance, 6: 94-105.

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Naimi, M., Tsakiridis, T., Stamatatos, TC., Alexandropoulos, DI., Tsiani, E. (2014). Increased skeletal muscle glucose uptake by rosemary extract through AMPK activation. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab., 40(4):407-13. DOI: 10.1139/apnm-2014-0430

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Pereira, S., Park, E., Moore, J., Faubert, B., Breen, DM., Oprescu, Al., Nahle, A., Kwan, D., Giacca, A., Tsiani, E. (2015). Resveratrol prevents insulin resistance caused by short-term elevation of free fatty acids in vivo. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab., 40(11):1129-36. DOI: 10.1139/apnm-2015-0075

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Pitt, B., Dotan, R., Millar, J., Long, D., Tokuno, C., O’Brien, TD., Falk, B. (2015). The electromyographic threshold in boys and men. Eur. J Appl Physiol, 115(6): 115(6):1273-81.

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Yao, M., Ludwa, IA., Corbett, L., Klentrou, P., Bonsu, P., Gammage, K., Falk, B. (2011). Bone speed of sound and physical activity levels of overweight and normal-weight girls and adolescents. Ped. Exerc. Sci., 23: 25-35.