Complement Your Concentration by Studying Abroad

Complement Your Concentration by Studying Abroad

There is a common misunderstanding that student exchanges are not possible for students specializing in a concentration. This is an unfortunate myth, as a student exchange can be a perfect way to complement your concentration. Studying abroad offers a further way to differentiate yourself through life experience and by taking unique courses not available in Canada.

It is valuable to have the experience of studying in a new culture and learning to approach your area of expertise from a new perspective. Each school has a slightly different teaching style that will give you a unique way to look at the study of your concentration. Being in a new country will help you see how the various areas of business are conducted differently around the world. For example, marketing and advertising can be very different in Asia from Canada. Information technology might be used in a new way in Italy or human resources may be approached differently in Peru.

Several of Brock’s partner schools are specifically recognized for being strong in certain area of study.


If you are interested in starting your own business, a student exchange is an excellent way to develop your independence and confidence in handling things on your own. Many partner schools in France have business incubators and the courses designed from an entrepreneurial perspective, including Grenoble, EDHEC and Paris-Dauphine. SolBridge in South Korea and Univerdidad del Pacifico in Peru also offer a wide variety of entrepreneurship courses and contain innovation centres.


Students can study abroad at Goodman partner schools that are specially recognized for their strength in finance courses. This provides the unique opportunity to differentiate yourself by taking courses that cannot be found at Brock or even in Canada. KU Leuven and Solvay Brussels are Belgian schools recognized around the world for their strength in finance. While the courses are very challenging, adding this experience to your résumé could help catch the eye of future employers. An exchange also builds soft skills that will complement your technical knowledge.

General Management

Luiss Guido Carli is a beautiful campus located in the heart of Rome that provides an extensive range of management courses. This concentration leaves a lot of flexibility to take electives, making it easier to choose a unique destination that may not work for other students who are limited in their course selection.

Human Resource Management

A student exchange is an extremely valuable experience for anyone who is considering pursuing a career in human resources. Studying abroad is a great way to develop skills in cross-cultural communication that will prepare you for working with a diverse workforce in the future.

In the field of human resources, it is important to be able to look at a situation from various perspectives and to be understanding of other cultural norms. Spending a semester abroad shows that you are able to handle change and can work with others through times of change. Universidad del Pacifico in Peru offers a variety of HR courses including Cross Cultural Management, International Human Resource Management and Women & Development. Nottingham Trent in England has a specific program on Business Management & Human Resources.

Information Systems

Aston Business School in England and Strathclyde Business School in Scotland offer several courses that can transfer back as direct ITIS credits. At Mannheim in Germany, students can take courses including Integrated Information Systems, Fundamentals of E-Business and Technical Fundamentals of Information Systems. Singapore Management University has a School of Information Systems with a collection of courses related to information technology.

International Business

A student exchange is a natural step for anyone choosing to concentrate in international business. The practical experience of spending time abroad will teach more than you can learn in classroom. Studying at a partner school to expand your worldview, network with other international business professionals and build skills in adaptability and cross-cultural communication. Partner schools offer unique international business courses in a diverse student setting. Maastricht University is the most international university in the Netherlands, boasting a ratio of 50/50 domestic and international students. SolBridge International School of Business in South Korea is also a great destination for students looking to develop an international business worldview.


As future marketing professionals, it is important to broaden your mind, discover new learning perspectives and get inspired through life experiences. ESIC Business Marketing School in Spain is a prestigious university with a broad offering of marketing related courses. If you choose to spend a winter semester at Burgundy School of Business in France, you can take courses at their School of Wine & Spirits Business and receive a specialization certificate in Wine Business & Tourism.

Operations Management

If you are concentrating in operations, there are some exciting partner schools to visit to complement your studies. BI Norwegian Business School has a Shipping Management program with a course offering that will give a differentiating area of expertise within your concentration. Copenhagen Business School has a specific bachelor program in International Shipping and Trade, which also provides an interesting collection of courses. Many of Goodman’s German partner schools are also strong in operations.


Public Administration

Public administration is a less common specialization but it is still possible to find related courses abroad. Kozminski University in Poland offers a variety of courses in law including Business Law and Public Policy, Internet Activity and the Law, Energy Law and Policy and more. UIBE in China and ESIC in Spain also offer courses related to Public Administration.


What destination are you going to choose to enrich your concentration with practical life experience and unique courses?

To work through this question, contact the Goodman International Programs Office for assistance in determining what school can best complement your studies. Reach out to them through the Goodman Portal or stop by drop-in hours in GSB 353, Tuesday-Thursday from 2-4:00pm.

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