GBC Golf Days

Posted by: Joe Ross

After a brutally tough school year, I found that I suddenly had a huge surplus of time on my hands with summer break. With so much extra time, it became of perilous importance for me to find something productive to do with my summer. Should I take a spring course? Should I take dancing lessons? Should I get a second part-time job? The options were endless! Enter: the Graduate Business Council. Their partnership with the Brock Golf Course is set up for all Goodman students, undergrad and grad, to enjoy. For only $18 their Friday weekly golf sessions give students a free one hour golf lesson, a big bucket of balls to hit at the driving range, 18 holes of golf, and a free hot dog to top it all off! Given the vast time consuming nature of golf, it is the absolute perfect program for me to constructively spend my spare time in this summer!

Register here for GBC Golf Days.

Joe is a second year BAcc student at the Goodman School of Business and is a Goodman Social Media Ambassador.

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