This past year, you were a Social Media Ambassador for the Goodman School of Business. Tell us a bit more about this opportunity – what was involved?
I was approached last summer regarding the Social Media Ambassador position as a result of my already strong social media presence and promotion of the Goodman School of Business. This position required promotion of Goodman School of Business events, as well as #GoodmanSpirit. Part of my duties were to go to events held by the various Goodman clubs and live-tweet. We also covered events such as Table Talks, Orientation Week, and the “How to Get a Job In….” series, just to name a few. This year we had four Social Media Ambassadors which meant that we were able to schedule at least one Ambassador to be at each event throughout the year.
What has been the best part about being a Goodman Social Media Ambassador?
The best part about being a Goodman Social Media Ambassador would have to be the number of connections that I have been able to make. As an Ambassador, I have the opportunity to network with all of the Goodman clubs and attend many different kinds of events. The importance of connections has become so evident in my university career that I am thankful that I have had this opportunity to make these connections that not only help me now, but also with finding a career in the future.
Who has been your strongest mentor at the Goodman School of Business?
My strongest mentor would have to be my best friend, Cody. Cody is a fourth year BBA Co-op student, meaning that he is two years ahead of me in his studies. From my first day at Brock, he was able to make the transition easier and was able to help me with numerous assignments throughout the year. We all know that school can be extremely stressful and I am very thankful that I have had him to guide me through the good times and bad. I would highly recommend having a friend in an upper year of the same program as you, as they have been through what you are going through and they can offer some great advice. I would like to say a huge thank you to Cody for everything that he has done for me in my past two years at the Goodman School of Business.
Why is it important for students to maintain a professional image on social media?
Maintaining a professional image on social media is becoming one of the most important thing a student can do. It’s no secret that employers are looking at your profile when they determine that you are a candidate for their company. Social media has emerged immensely in the last five years, to the point where you can now apply for jobs using your Facebook profile. If a student fails to maintain a professional image, they are hurting themselves and likely missing out on many opportunities because the photos from the bar last night ended up on Facebook. Social media is a great way to stay connected and communicate with one another, but be aware of what you are posting online.
What are your plans for the summer?
This summer I will be working as an Engineering Student at IMT Corporation. The office that I am working out of is located in Ingersoll, Ontario. IMT has three divisions which include the Integrated Manufacturing group, the Transportation group, and the Defense group. I am working for the Transportation group doing administrative tasks and data entry. I am super excited about the opportunity to work for this company and the possibilities for the future!! I’m also looking forward to checking out Ripley’s Aquarium and catching a few Blue Jays games! I hope you all have an amazing summer and I wish you all luck with your summer positions (or studies if you’re taking classes)!!