Articles by author: Brock University

  • September 2016 publication

    Congratulations to Erin Shanahan (Honours BA, 2015) and Dr. Busseri.

    A manuscript based on Erin’s undergraduate thesis project, entitled “Life gets better and better: Cultural life script theory and subjective life satisfaction trajectories among young adults”, has been accepted for publication in the European Journal of Personality.

    Categories: News

  • September 2016 grant

     Congratulations to Dr. Busseri, whose research grant funding through SSHRC was profiled in a recent edition of the Brock News (story link here).

    Categories: News

  • December 2015

    Congratulations to Helen (Dykstra) Merrick (BA, 2012).

    A manuscript based on her undergraduate Honours Thesis project, co-authored with Dr. Busseri is now “in-press” at the journal Motivation and Emotion. See details here.

    Categories: News

  • October 2015

    Congratulations to Samantha Metler (MA, 2015).

    A manuscript based on her MA thesis, co-authored with Dr. Busseri, has now been accepted for publication in the Journal of Personality.

    See details here.

    Categories: News

  • September 2015

    We are pleased to welcome Mojan Naisani Samani (MA program) and Kathryn Bunda (Honours Thesis) to Well-Being Research Lab.

    Categories: News

  • June 2015

    Lab members attended the biannual meeting of the Canadian Positive Psychology Association (Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON). Mojan Naisani Samani presented a poster entitled, “Mindfulness, temporal perspective, and subjective trajectories for life satisfaction”, based on her MA research.

    Erin Shanahan presented a poster entitled, “Life gets better and better: Cultural life script theory and subjective life satisfaction trajectories among young adults” based on her undergraduate research. And Dr. Busseri presented a paper entitled, “Optimism: The past, present, and future of a positive trait”.

    Congratulations to all!

    Categories: News

  • May 2015 congratulations

    Congratulations to undergraduate student Kathryn Bunda (2015/2016) who has successfully completed her Honours Thesis project entitled, “Manipulating lay theories of health affects subjective health trajectories”.

    Kathryn also presented her thesis findings at the Ontario Psychology Undergraduate Thesis Conference (Wilfrid Laurier University).

    Great job Kathryn!

    Categories: News

  • May 2015 symposium

    Dr. Busseri participated in a symposium entitled, “The trouble of believing in self-improvement”, at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science (Chicago, IL).

    His presentation was entitled, “The belief that ‘life gets better and better’: Is it really a positive sign?”

    Categories: News

  • April 2015

    Congratulations to Erin Shanahan – an undergraduate thesis alumna (2014/2015) and lab RA (2015/2016) – who has accepted an offer of admission for graduate studies in the Department of Psychology at Wilfrid Laurier University under the direction of Dr. Anne Wilson beginning September 2016.

    Erin will also be funded by a Canada Graduate Scholarship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

    Way to go Erin!

    Categories: News

  • March 2015

    Congratulations to Dr. Busseri.

    He has received funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada for his Insight Grant application, “On the belief that life gets better and better, or worse and worse over time: Causes and consequences across the adult lifespan and around the world”.

    Categories: News