
Mission: The Institute gathers like-minded researchers who seek to explore questions that arise in the context of posthumanist inquiry. Specifically, the Institute’s activities, such as workshops, reading groups, summer schools, conferences and publications, all engaged in a collaborative mode, provide researchers with the necessary intellectual environment in which to develop their ideas and projects.

EDIA Statement: Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (EDIA) principles motivate our activities and constitute their heart and significance. An essential part of posthumanist endeavours is to respond critically to the exclusionary consequences of Western imperial humanism and its rampant neoliberalism. Indeed, posthumanism seeks to remedy the intersecting regimes of oppression that have arisen from historically dominant conceptualisations of human potential and purpose, predicated on the European, white, male, autonomous, self-interested, competitive individual in full possession of instrumental and objective reason. By contrast, the posthumanist worldview we embrace, and the futures we seek to elaborate, are fundamentally equitable and inclusive. As a research entity that embraces and promotes these ideas, therefore, we are fully committed to EDIA principles and wish to implement them in every aspect of our operations. Part of building an equitable, diverse, inclusive, and accessible space also includes showcasing the work of emerging and less recognized scholars through our speaker series and panels. We believe that bringing their voices and ideas to the fore can be a way to actively work against supremacist agendas that continue to dominate in academia.

Bylaws: For more details, please visit our Rules and Procedures.

Policies: On Speakers and Panels and on Catering of in-person events

The Executive Committee consists of:

  • Dr. Trevor Norris (Education), Director
  • Dr. Elizabeth Neswald (History), Associate Director
  • Dr. David Fancy (Dramatic Arts)
  • Dr. Russell Kilbourn (English and Film Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University)
  • Dr. Ralph Mercer (Independent Scholar)
  • Dr. Sarah Stang (Digital Humanities)
  • Ece Çizmeci (PhD Student, Interdisciplinary Humanities)

Members of the Advisory Board are:

  • Dr. Keith Ansell-Pearson (Warwick University)
  • Dr. Rosi Braidotti (Utrecht University)
  • Dr. Levi Bryant (Collin College)
  • Dr. Claire Colebrook (Penn State University)
  • Dr. Graham Harman (American University of Cairo)
  • Dr. Margrit Shildrick (Stockholms Universitet)
  • Dr. Cary Wolfe (Rice University)