Lab tour

Take a photo tour of the Neuroscience Laboratories at Brock.

scientist working with microscope
Undergrad Class 1 - Lesley-Ann Hall is a Year 4 honours student in Neuroscience. Here she is implanting a microelectrode into a muscle cell in order to record activity. This is one of the laboratories in NEUR 3P84.
Undergraduate students watching an lab experiement
Undergrad Class 2 - Dr. Joffre Mercier teaches NEUR 3P84 (Investigative Neurobiology). Here he teaches undergraduate students how to record electrical potentials by inserting microelectrodes into single cells.
Students examining a sleep cap at the Sleep lab
Sleep Lab - Dr. Kimberly Cote with her students in the Brock Sleep Laboratory. A cap with electrodes for recording EEG is being mounted on the scalp of the student volunteer.
Undergraduate student working with lab equipment
Undergrad Research 1 - Amanda Cull, a Year 4 honours student in Neuroscience, studies modulation of chemical synapses in fruitflies by neuropeptides. Amanda is the recipient of the 2004 Distinguished Graduating Student Award in Neuroscience.
Student using headband magnifying glasses while conducting research
Undergrad Research 2 - Craig Wolsey is a Year 4 honours student in Neuroscience. He studies how neuropeptides modulate cardiac activity in crayfish.
Motor Unit lab equipment showing leg experiment
Motor Unit Lab - This is a picture of simultaneous indwelling and surface recordings of muscle activity from the tibialis anterior obtained during isometric dorsiflexion. The indwelling recordings are performed in the Raymond Nelson Reid Biomechanics Laboratory with a quadrifillar needle electrode to montor motor unit activity from within the muscle.