It is important to recognize that union member employees who are on the picket lines are our colleagues, and when the dispute is over, they will be working alongside us again. This is a legal labour dispute, not a general protest.
Expect delays and inconveniences when approaching a picket line. It is of the utmost importance for you to operate your vehicle in a safe and lawful fashion.
Check official University communications regularly on this website. Do not assume that other sources of information are accurate until you check official University communications.
When union member employees are legally on strike, they may withhold services and peacefully picket to communicate their concerns, provided they act in accordance with the law. They may not block roadways, obstruct your peaceful passage or prevent you from going to work by force or intimidation. Lawful picketing is for communication only.
If there is picketing, you should take all reasonable precautions for your safety and the safety of your property when entering the campus. Please avoid any confrontations or disputes at any picketed work site.
In a labour dispute
Picketers are legally permitted to:
- Carry signs stating the nature of the dispute.
- Attempt to speak to you about their concerns.
- Ask you to respect and/or join the picket line.
- Picketers are supposed to keep moving and allow passage through; however, there may be delays.
Picketers are not legally permitted to:
- Block entrances to the University.
- Use force, threats or threatening gestures.
- Construct physical barriers to block access to the University.
- Engage in unlawful behaviour.
- Trespass to interfere with employees who wish to work.
If you are intimidated, harassed or otherwise mistreated, please inform Brock Campus Safety Services immediately of the time, place and people involved. Appropriate personnel will then remind the Union and its members that such activity is not lawful or appropriate. If you are concerned for your health and safety, please telephone Brock Campus Safety Services or the police immediately.
Contact Campus Safety Services at extension 4300 to report an incident, or extension 3200 to report an emergency. Please download the Brock Safety App, which is available for free for at the App Store or Google play, to quickly access campus and local safety resources.
How to approach a picket line
Employees passing through a picket line should remain respectful to picketers and not engage in any confrontation.
Approach the line slowly. If you are driving a vehicle, plan your approach to the University and the entrance you will access. For your safety and the safety of others, follow traffic rules with particular attention to instructions of police and/or other emergency personnel.
Whether driving, walking or biking through a picket line, be prepared to stop. Be prepared to wait until you can safely pass through the picket line.
Be prepared for delays. Remember to operate your vehicle in a safe and lawful fashion.
You may find the following suggestions helpful
- If you feel comfortable doing so, you may choose to roll down your window or otherwise indicate your willingness to communicate with the picketers. While lawful picketers may communicate information through a variety of means, including handing out pamphlets and providing information verbally to those passing through a picket line, no one crossing a picket line is required to respond to questions posed by the picketers.
- If you choose to speak with the picketers you may explain politely that you are exercising your legal right to enter the campus to fulfill your obligation to report to work or to conduct other business on campus. Questions or concerns can be directed to Human Resources at
- Display patience and remain calm in public areas surrounding the University, and entrances to University parking lots along John Macdonell Street, Glenridge Avenue and Sir Isaac Brock Way.
- Remain in your vehicle at all times and do not engage in a confrontation with picketers.
- There may be delays, which should be factored into your travel time.
- Consider car-pooling, utilizing public transit, or other alternative travel arrangements for the duration of the labour dispute.
- If you feel threatened, do not attempt to force your way in. Do not become involved in any arguments or any type of altercation. Find a telephone and call Campus Security 905-688-5550, extension 4300 to report an incident, or extension 3200 to report an emergency. Be prepared to pass on details of the incident, including a description or name of the people involved.
- If you are an employee and are delayed, contact your supervisor as soon as possible.