Human Rights Task Force Consultation Form

Welcome to the online consultation form of the Brock University Human Rights Task Force. Consultation with the Brock Community is instrumental to our process.

Please reflect on our interim report and provide us with your thoughts — whether they be lived experiences, suggestions for human rights policies, processes, services and supports at Brock University, personal observations, or reflections on the context in which the Brock Community lives, works and learns. We want to hear from you.

Please note that the form below is available in an accessible format and that submissions may be made anonymously. If you require accommodations or assistance of any kind in providing us with feedback, please contact Chris Lytle, AODA Coordinator & Human Rights Consultant, at or at 905-688-5550  x5454. This form is also posted in a format that is friendly to online translation services.

Please also refer to the Human Rights Task Force Consultation website for dates, times and locations of our in-person consultations. In addition, further submissions may be sent to Please submit your feedback by 3pm on March 24, 2017.

The consultation form is now closed.