Articles tagged with: youth

  • Perfectionism and Youth Well-Being Webinar

    Join us Thursday March 11th, 2021 from 6 to 7 PM for a free webinar presented by Dr. Danielle Molnar along with graduate student Melissa Blackburn and Dr. Tabitha Methot-Jones.

    Do you ever feel like you need to be perfect all the time or are afraid to make mistakes? That might be a trait called perfectionism. But what is perfectionism and how does it influence health and well-being in children and youth?

    This free webinar presented via Lifesize will explore that question while also discussing:

    • Why are so many youth experiencing pressure to be perfect?
    • How can parents, educators, and youth-focused practitioners support youth struggling with perfectionism?
    • How are young perfectionists experiencing the pandemic?

    This webinar is free and open to the public, but early registration is required to gain access to the online event. RSVP online at

    Instructions for joining the event will be sent following registration. Please email Jayne Morrish at if you have any questions.

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  • Upcoming conferences

    Please refer to the following list of conferences that Dr. Molnar and members of the lab will be attending in 2017. Look forward to seeing everyone there!

    Society for Research in Child Development 2017 Biennial Meeting – April 6 – 8, 2017, Austin, Texas

    Accepted Presentations:
    Title: Childhood Aggression in a High-Risk Sample: Developmental Cascade Model of Socioeconomic Adversity, Parenting and Child Conscience
    Authors: Idean Ettekal, Research Institution on Addictions, University at Buffalo; Amanda Nickerson, UB Alberti Center for Bullying Abuse Prevention; Danielle S. Molnar, Department of Child and Youth Studies, Brock University; Pamela Schuetze, SUNY Buffalo State; Rina Eiden, Research Institution on Addictions, University at Buffalo

    Title: Interaction Effect of Prenatal Risk, Maternal Warmth and Physiological Reactivity on Toddler Externalizing Behaviors
    Authors: Pamela Schuetze, SUNY Buffalo State; Danielle Molnar, Department of Child and Youth Studies, Brock University; Rina Eiden, Research Institution on Addictions, University at Buffalo; Shannon Shisler, Research Institute on Addictions, University at Buffalo

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