Working toward a financially sustainable future

Dear Brock community,

As discussed at the State of the University town hall in February and in several campus-wide communications, Brock continues to face some significant financial challenges that must be addressed.

Brock has endured increasing financial pressures for many years due to factors outside its control. Throughout that time, the University has found ways to ensure it remains financially sustainable, including through hiring pauses, internal reviews and budget reductions.

We have also worked together to identify new revenue generation opportunities, including exploring the implementation of ideas shared by members of the Brock community in response to the call-out made in February.

Recently, the provincial government gave a number of Ontario universities, including Brock, a mandate to perform third-party efficiency reviews.

Details about the reviews and opportunities for community consultation and engagement will be communicated when available.

It is critical that we work together to ensure the institution’s sustainable and resilient financial future. As always, we remain deeply committed to providing an exceptional student experience and supporting world-changing research and discovery.

In closing, we want to thank you all for the work you do each day to ensure Brock continues to be a place that transforms people and equips them with the tools needed to change the world.

Brock is absolutely essential to Niagara’s and Ontario’s continued growth, cultural vitality, and economic success, and we know that together, we will put Brock in a position for even greater success in the future.


Dr. Lesley Rigg                                                                                         Dr. Arja Vainio-Mattila

President and Vice- Chancellor                                              Provost and Vice-President, Academic

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