Campus safety reminders for Fall Term

With Fall Term underway, the Brock community is being reminded of steps that can be taken to help make campus a safer space for all.

In addition to reminding drivers to abide by the rules of the road, Campus Safety Services (CSS) hopes to enhance campus safety by emphasizing the importance of staying informed.

CSS is encouraging Brock students and employees to download the Brock Safety app, which provides direct access to key safety and wellness resources and is one source of emergency alerts on campus. Campus Safety is also asking the University community to remain vigilant in two key areas: preventing theft and potential scams.

Senior Platoon Supervisor Karl Thorp advises people to leave expensive items at home when possible, to lock their vehicles and to secure all unattended items — particularly when using the library or Walker Complex facilities. This includes using a reliable lock for campus lockers and when riding a bicycle to campus.

To prevent bike theft and support recovery efforts, Campus Safety Services participates in the Garage 529 project. Free registration stickers for the program, which aids in reuniting bike owners with their stolen property if recovered by police, are available by visiting the CSS office in the Kenmore Centre.

Thorp also encourages employees as well as domestic and international students to be on alert for potential scams. Using email, calls or text, fraudsters may claim there are financial issues at the potential victim’s banking institution, indicate they will be arrested or deported if payment is not made or ask to provided with back and front images of gift cards.

Anyone suspicious of a potential scam can find information on warning signs and current and common scams on the Government of Canada’s website.

When in doubt, contact CSS or the Niagara Regional Police, Thorp says.

For more information on Campus safety tips and resources, visit the Campus Safety Services website or email [email protected]

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