Workshops to build researchers’ digital scholarship skills

Brock and local community members have the chance to build their digital scholarship skills this fall through a series of free online workshops covering online tools and open-source resources that can be leveraged for research.

Offered by the Brock University Library’s Digital Scholarship Lab (DSL), the series includes 18 workshops that kick off on Wednesday, Sept. 11 and run until Wednesday, Nov. 27.

The sessions are open to Brock students, faculty and staff as well as members of the wider community, including those with no experience using digital scholarship tools.

Topics covered during the sessions include:

  • Data visualization
  • Citation management using Zotero
  • Power BI
  • Tableau
  • The R programming language
  • The Python programming language
  • GitHub
  • SQL and databases

Registration and details for each workshop are available on ExperienceBU for Brock students, staff and faculty and on Eventbrite for members of the local community.

Visit the Digital Scholarship Lab website to learn more about its services and resources as well as collaboration opportunities available to community members and Brock researchers, students and staff.

Read more stories in: Briefs, Community
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