New Provost says campus welcome has been ‘overwhelming’

Arja Vainio-Mattila started as Brock’s new Provost only a month ago, but she says she already feels like a lifelong Badger.

“The welcome at Brock has been just overwhelming, it’s been so warm and generous,” she says, noting the University’s reputation for fostering a supportive, inclusive environment.

Vainio-Mattila’s appointment as Provost and Vice-President, Academic began July 22, and since then she’s been busy getting to know faculty and staff across campus while preparing to help welcome students back to classes in September.

She’s also been getting to know the Niagara community, with which Brock enjoys an incredibly strong relationship.

“Everything we do at Brock – in terms of new knowledge, education, research – has significant impact in this local community,” she says. “Brock has the potential to have huge impact, because it has grown out of the community.”

Vainio-Mattila says the coming year at Brock will be an exciting one with lots to look forward to, including celebrating Brock’s 60th anniversary and the launch of the University’s refreshed strategic plan this fall.

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