Safety reminders offered on National Injury Prevention Day

Whether it’s in the workplace, on the road or near the water, safety education is an important step in avoiding predictable and preventable injuries.

The Brock community joins organizations across the country in observing National Injury Prevention Day (NIPD) on Friday, July 5. Held annually, NIPD aims to raise awareness about preventing injuries, such as those caused by falls, through sharing information and educational tools.

Falls are the leading cause of injury deaths, hospitalizations, emergency visits and disabilities in Canada.

“On campus, walking is one of the main forms of transportation to get from one place to another,” says Occupational Health and Safety Specialist Kayla Wilcox. “We each have a role in preventing slips, trips and falls. One thing we can all do is to pay attention and avoid texting while walking.”

Wilcox also recommends not carrying too many items and avoiding carrying large objects that reduce visibility and limit the ability to land safely in case of a fall.

Another tip is to check the weather forecast before leaving home and prepare for the conditions outside with proper footwear and rain gear, if needed.

“Safety and prevention should be top of mind all year round,” she says.

Brock’s Health, Safety and Wellness team supports employees by developing and implementing programs, policies, procedures and training initiatives that promote safety and wellness in the workplace.

Faculty and staff interested in learning more about the resources available at Brock, including how to report an incident, injury, near miss or health and safety hazard, can visit the Health, Safety and Wellness Toolbox on SharePoint.

More information on National Injury Prevention Day is available through Parachute, a charitable organization focused on injury prevention.

Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to share messages of prevention on social media with the hashtags #TurnSafetyOn and #BrockU

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