IN THE NEWS: Sports broadcasting, Red Dress Day and union negotiations

In recent media appearances, Brock experts discussed sports broadcasting, Red Dress Day, union negotiations, child honesty research and Ontario’s classroom cellphone ban.

Rogers has sold NHL rights to Amazon Prime: Assistant Professor of Sport Management Taylor Mckee spoke with 640 Toronto about changes to sports broadcasting. He also spoke with CBC Radio One about the costs of hosting mega sports events.

‘Words are not enough anymore. We need action,’ says teen survivor during Red Dress Day event to honour missing and murdered Indigenous women: Vice-Provost, Indigenous Engagement Robyn Bourgeois spoke with the St. Catharines Standard about missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.

Unionized workers rejecting more deals as fight for wage gains presses on: Professor of Labour Studies Larry Savage spoke with the St. Catharines Standard about shifts in the ways union workers are approaching contract negotiations.

New research on child honesty: Professor of Psychology Angela Evans spoke with Newstalk 610 CKTB and AM 980 about her research on honesty in children.

Brock expert questions usefulness of province’s ‘reactionary’ classroom cellphone ban: Assistant Professor of Child and Youth Studies Naomi Andrews spoke with the St. Catharines Standard and MSN about Ontario’s new ban on cellphones in classrooms.

Read more stories in: Applied Health Sciences, In the Media, Indigenous, Social Sciences
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