Strategic planning process enters consultation phase

Dear Brock community,

As you know, we kicked off the important process of developing a revitalized strategic plan in October. I’m pleased to announce that we’re now moving to the community consultation phase of this process.

The University’s strategic plan is critical to helping the institution deliver on its mission of supporting students and faculty in the discovery of knowledge through exemplary scholarship, teaching, service and community outreach.

The refreshed plan will strengthen Brock’s commitment to the fundamental priorities that make this institution great, and help all of us to prioritize our activities throughout the coming years.

Campus-wide consultation is key to ensuring a robust and representative strategic plan, and to that end, I invite members of the campus community to consider taking part in an upcoming virtual focus group feedback session.

The focus group dates are:



Undergraduate students

Graduate students

Sessions for additional stakeholders, including alumni, Indigenous community members and Niagara community members will also be scheduled, and a campus-wide online survey will be launched in February.

I strongly encourage everyone to be actively engaged in this exciting process and to help us refresh the strategic plan in a way that reflects both what Brock is as well as what it aspires to be.

Development of the plan will continue over the coming months, with plans to begin implementation in September, as we start to celebrate our milestone 60th anniversary.

The Strategic Plan Steering Committee welcomes feedback and questions, which can be directed to the Office of the President at


Lesley Rigg
President and Vice-Chancellor

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