IN THE NEWS: Welcoming Engineering students, unions in low-wage retail and soccer referee research

In recent media appearances, Brock experts discussed the University welcoming its first undergraduate Engineering students, attempts by unions to gain ground with low-wage retailers and ongoing research related to soccer referees.

Brock to welcome first undergraduate Engineering students this fall: Professor and Chair of Brock’s Department of Engineering Shahryar Rahnamayan spoke to YourTV Niagara about the University welcoming its first class of undergraduate Engineering students in fall 2024.

Unionized Indigo and Chapters workers facing uphill battles: Professor of Labour Studies Larry Savage was quoted in a Canadian Press article that ran in publications across the country where he discussed attempts by unions to break into the low-wage retail sector.

Minor soccer referees in Quebec to wear body cameras to prevent abuse: Brock’s ongoing involvement in research that examines the impact of soccer referees wearing body cameras was featured in a Canadian Press article that appeared in outlets across the country as well as Global News.

Read more stories in: Applied Health Sciences, Faculty & staff, In the Media, Mathematics and Science, Social Sciences
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