IN THE NEWS: Wine labels, holiday movies and a shakeup in the alcohol sector

In recent media appearances, Brock experts discussed a signature’s ability to impact wine sales, the recent shakeup in Ontario’s alcohol sector, holiday-themed popular culture consumption and a new epoch in geologic time.

Ontario shoppers influenced by signatures on wine bottles: Professor of Marketing Antonia Mantonakis spoke to CHCH about the ability of winemakers to increase sales when their signature is included on a wine bottle’s label.

Ford ‘listening to the corner store people,’ says Brock University professor on alcohol sales ‘shake-up’: Dan Malleck, Professor and Chair of Brock’s Department of Health Sciences and Director of the Centre for Canadian Studies, spoke to the Hamilton Spectator about the impact of a recent shakeup in Ontario’s alcohol sector.

Holiday pop culture: Associate Professor of Communication, Popular Culture and Film Liz Clarke spoke to YourTV Niagara about the various motivations people may draw upon to watch holiday-themed movies.

Calling our times the ‘anthropocene epoch’ matters dearly to you: Professor of Earth Sciences Francine McCarthy, and her research on the start of a new epoch in geologic time, were discussed in a Scientific American article.

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