ITS warns of phishing scams following Twitter rebrand

Cybercriminals are exploiting user uncertainty following the rebranding of a major social media platform, says Brock’s Information Technology Services (ITS) team.

ITS warns the Brock community to be wary of phishing scams that have emerged since Twitter was renamed X.

Twitter Blue subscribers, for example, have received phishing emails inviting them to migrate their membership to X. These emails include a link to a fake login page that allows scammers to collect a user’s Twitter username and password, giving them access to user accounts and any associated personal information such as credit card information and contact details.

Cybercriminals use similar techniques to impersonate any platform or subscription service. Brock ITS advises users to protect themselves by:

  • Using two-factor authentication wherever possible
  • Using strong, unique passwords for different platforms and accounts
  • Being cautious about logging into accounts through links sent by email

Users can visit the X Help Centre website for information about fake emails and what to do if they believe their account has been compromised.

Brock community members can reach out to the ITS team with questions or forward  suspicious emails to for the IT Security team to investigate.

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