IN THE NEWS: Multiple sclerosis research, renewed accreditation and moral hazard

In recent media appearances, Brock experts discussed multiple sclerosis research, moral hazard and the renewed accreditation of the Goodman School of Business.

Brock University researcher turns to robotics to improve lives of people living with multiple sclerosis: Health Biosciences PhD candidate Kailynn Mannella spoke to the St. Catharines Standard about her research into the use of robotic rehabilitation to improve the lives of people with multiple sclerosis.

Brock University Goodman School of Business receives accreditation extension: Articles from Academica and the St. Catharines Standard discussed the extension of the Goodman School of Business’ accreditation by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

Assessing moral hazard: Professor of Business Ethics Paul Dunn spoke to Newstalk 610 CKTB about the government’s responsibility to provide assistance to failing businesses, which he compared to rescue efforts for people undertaking adventure travel.

Former Niagara cop who ran massage business sexually abused 11 women: Brock’s Vice-Provost, Indigenous Engagement and Associate Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies Robyn Bourgeois spoke to CBC about the impact the sentencing of a police officer who pleaded guilty to five counts of sexual assault would have on victims of sexual assault.

How an MBA can transform your career: Goodman School of Business Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Programs and Professor of Marketing and Product Innovation Tek Thongpapanl spoke to Maclean’s magazine about how Brock Master of Business Administration students connect the lessons learned in their courses to the skills employers are looking for.

Read more stories in: Applied Health Sciences, Faculty & staff, Graduate Students, Graduate Studies, In the Media, Social Sciences
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