Brock University’s President’s Advisory Committee for Human Rights, Equity and Decolonization (PACHRED) is accepting nominations for new members.
Formed in 2018, PACHRED is tasked with advising Brock President Lesley Rigg on the recommendations of the Task Force’s final report and issues relating to human rights, equity and decolonization.
In addition to advising the President, PACHRED serves to share information across campus and collaborate on the common goals of community members to address opportunities and concerns associated with human rights, equity or decolonization. The committee also unifies the activities of six affiliated working groups: 2S&LGBTQ+, Anti-Ableism and Mental Health, Anti-Racism, Decolonization, Employment Equity and Sexual Violence Prevention.
PACHRED Faculty Chair and Professor of Educational Studies Dolana Mogadime said committee members strive to work collaboratively across advocacy groups in order to collectively make a difference across Brock University’s campus.
“PACHRED is an opportunity for Brock faculty, staff and students to have their voices heard on a variety of critical issues,” she said.
The committee also regularly focuses on equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI), which Staff Co-chair Trecia McLennon said ensures anyone with talent can come to Brock and be successful.”
“EDI is one of Brock’s guiding values and PACHRED is one of the key vehicles for ensuring we meet our strategic goal of fostering a culture of accessibility, inclusivity, reconciliation and decolonization.”
Child and Youth Studies PhD student Sandra Kroeker enjoyed her time as PACHRED student Co-Chair and encouraged other students to consider taking part.
“The student voice and student participation is vital to PACHRED,” she said. “If you’re interested in learning how the University works, how different views of the University can influence change, and how we can build bridges across various areas of the institution, you should definitely put your name forward.”
Nominations will be accepted until Friday, April 21, and can be sent to the email [email protected]
The membership application form can be found on the Office of the President website.