Namibia field course the focus of upcoming info sessions

Brock students interested in a unique field experience this spring are invited to attend one of two online information sessions on the Local and Global Health Field Course (HLSC 4F93) Monday, Nov. 14 or Tuesday, Nov. 15.

Offered by the Department of Health Sciences, the interdisciplinary course includes a three-week international experience in Namibia with community partners who have been providing experiences to Brock students for more than 10 years.

“We have a long-standing relationship with our partners in Namibia. This experience has changed so many lives and trajectories,” says Janet Westbury, the Department of Health Sciences Undergraduate Experiential Learning Co-ordinator. “As an institution, we were last there in 2018 and since the pandemic, we have continued to work with these local community-based organizations virtually. All of our in-country partners are thrilled that we have an opportunity to return in person.”

Among the organizations involved in the course is the Bernard Nordkamp Centre (BNC), which aids orphans and vulnerable children by supporting and supplementing the Namibian school curriculum, among other services.

Brock alumna Jessica Heyda (BKin ’17, MPK ’18), who now works at Moving Forward Rehabilitation and Wellness Centre in London, Ont., credits BNC for providing a “life-changing experience” that she will never forget.

During her practicum opportunity at BNC, Heyda worked one-on–one with a young man with cerebral palsy and his biokinetics specialist. She helped implement an individualized progressive program that included vigorous gross motor activities and developmentally appropriate activities in a wide array of areas.

“Getting to know this individual and his physical abilities allowed me to create and implement exercises that would benefit him,” Heyda says. “By safely adapting activities planned for the BNC Wellness Day and with existing playground equipment, this individual was able to participate in more inclusive ways.”

Now, through her Brock education and experiential learning opportunities, Heyda’s career path allows her to provide one-on-one and custom rehabilitation programs for individuals with neuromuscular disabilities every day.

Students interested in learning more about the interdisciplinary opportunities and community organizations related to the Local and Global Health Field Course are invited to attend one of the information sessions or to contact Westbury directly

The sessions will take place virtually, Monday, Nov. 14 at 2 p.m. and Tuesday, Nov. 15 at 11 a.m. Please visit ExperienceBU for the meeting link and login details.

Read more stories in: Applied Health Sciences, Briefs, Community, Digital Displays, Experiential Learning
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