Brock Media Clips for Friday, Aug. 5

Here’s a look at some of the media attention Brock University received recently.

Ready, set, whoa! Brock University to host 5,000 athletes and coaches during Canada Summer Games: Articles from The St. Catharines Standard and BP Sports Niagara discussed the upcoming arrival of nearly 5,000 athletes and coaches on Brock’s main campus, where they will live in the Athletes Village for the Niagara 2022 Canada Summer Games. Earlier in the week, Julie Stevens, Brock University Special Advisor to the President — Canada Games and Professor of Sport Management, spoke to The St. Catharines Standard about her participation in the Games’ torch relay, and women’s hockey coach Margot Page spoke to Newstalk 610 CKTB about the Lead Like a Girl program, which is looking to build leadership skills in young girls through the power of sport during the Games.

The payoffs of an undergraduate business education: Tek Thongpapanl, Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Programs at Brock’s Goodman School of Business, spoke to Maclean’s about the value of an undergraduate business education.

Fleming, Brock create new postsecondary pathway for Bachelor of Education: A partnership between Brock University and Fleming College that creates a direct route from Fleming’s General Arts and Science program to Brock’s Bachelor of Education in Adult Education program was featured in Academica and The Peterborough Examiner.

Europe’s summer of Omicron subvariants has immunologists pleading for the world to embrace a ‘vaccine-plus’ lifestyle: Associate Professor of Health Science Adam MacNeil spoke to Australia’s ABC News about how people’s behaviour is impacting the fight against COVID-19 pandemic.

Celebrating sports and art at Niagara Falls Public Library: Associate Professor of Visual Arts Education Peter Vietgen spoke to The St. Catharines Standard about a project he co-ordinated that saw local elementary school students’ Canada Games-themed artwork displayed in libraries. The artwork was created in workshops led by Brock students.

Bell clerical workers were facing a strike. Their union says the telecom giant wanted workers to cross the picket line: Professor of Labour Studies Larry Savage spoke to The Toronto Star about an unfair labour practices complaint filed against Bell Canada. Savage also spoke to CBC’s Metro Morning about a proposed 11.7 per cent wage increase from an education union.

If you know of an appearance or story about a Brock faculty member, student, athlete or alumni, please drop us a line with a link to the story at

Read more stories in: Applied Health Sciences, Briefs, Business, Faculty & staff, In the Media, Social Sciences
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