GOLDEN and NESWALD: Tucker Carlson’s discussion of testicle red-light therapy is nothing new

Elizabeth Neswald, Associate Professor of History at Brock University, and Janet Golden, Professor of History at Rutgers University Camden, had a piece recently published in The Washington Post about the history of treatments and devices that claim to enhance potency in men.

They write:

“Recently, a clip from Tucker Carlson’s documentary special “The End of Men” went viral. The video shows him discussing “testicle tanning” with a “fitness professional” extolling the value of red-light therapy. Responses on social media ranged from humorous discussions of homoeroticism to applause for addressing the male identity crisis. 

Historians have a different take: Testicle tanning might rely on new devices and theories, but it is only the latest in a long line of treatments and devices meant to enhance potency. As the social meaning of manhood has shifted over the past two centuries, both scientism (trust in the methods and ideas of science) and hucksterism have answered male anxieties about virility with an array of unusual treatments.”

Continue reading the full article on The Washington Post website.

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