Input sought on Brock’s draft academic plan

Brock University is seeking feedback on its draft academic plan.

On Nov. 10, the University launched a process to create an academic plan for the period from 2022 to 2027. The plan is being developed in collaboration with the Planning, Priorities and Budget Advisory Committee (PPBAC) of the University Senate.

More than 400 responses to the initial consultation process were received from Brock students, staff, faculty members and librarians. These responses were used to draft an academic plan, which is now available to the University community for further consultation.

Comments on the draft plan are invited through the online consultation portal before Monday, May 2. The draft plan can also be viewed on the portal.

The draft academic plan:

  • revisits the key mission and values listed in the Institutional Strategic Plan;
  • outlines the purpose of the plan in the current late-pandemic context;
  • describes the method used to generate the draft plan;
  • lists actions under five thematic priority areas, including: High-quality and meaningful education experience; Accessible, flexible and customizable; Supportive and student-centred; Equitable, diverse and inclusive; and Future-oriented.

Comments will be used to revise the plan, which will then be brought to PPBAC and Senate for discussion. A finalized plan is expected this summer.

Any comments or questions about the consultation process can be sent to

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