Feedback sought on review of Human Rights and Equity Office

Interim Brock University President Lynn Wells has announced that Vice-President, Administration Ken Chan will be leading a review of Brock’s Human Rights and Equity Office (HRE).

HRE was established as a resource to provide members of the Brock community with information, education, assistance and advice on issues related to human rights, harassment, discrimination and bullying.

Brock University is proud of its diverse community and of the welcoming home that its campuses provide to individuals from a range of backgrounds. Brock’s Institutional Strategic Plan highlights the University’s commitment to creating a safe work and learning environment for all members of the community, as well as its priorities related to fostering a culture of inclusivity, accessibility, reconciliation and decolonization.

While Brock recognizes the progress that has been made and is making every day in this area, the University should also constantly strive for better. In the spirit of continuous improvement, the review will consider HRE’s mandate, operational effectiveness, organizational structure and resourcing.

As part of the review, members of the Brock community have an opportunity to provide input by responding to the following questions:

  • One of Brock’s strategic priorities is to foster a culture of inclusivity, accessibility, reconciliation and decolonization. How has HRE contributed to the implementation of this priority?
  • Given our institutional strategic priorities and Brock’s needs, what purpose should HRE serve at Brock?
  • The position of the Executive Director of HRE is currently vacant. As the University looks ahead to the future, what should the next leader of HRE focus on? What should the University look for in its next leader of the HRE function?

The Brock community is invited to provide feedback by email to by May 8, 2022. To achieve transparency in the review process, the feedback provided, including direct quotes, may be used without attribution (anonymized) in reports or other documents. These reports and documents may be published or released.

All information and feedback provided as part of this review process will be handled in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

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