Message from the President: Brock to begin phased return to campus Jan. 31

Dear Brock students, staff, faculty members and librarians,

Throughout this pandemic, our top priority has been to support a safe learning and work environment for students, staff, faculty members and librarians, while maximizing the on-campus experience for students.

Thanks to the flexibility and co-operation of the campus community, our return to campus in the Fall Term was successful, allowing students to have the on-campus experience they deserve.

Prior to the holiday break, we shared our plan to begin the Winter Term online and return to on-campus learning on Monday, Jan. 31. Brock will begin a phased return to campus as planned on Jan. 31. This return will align with public health measures and guidelines provided by provincial and local authorities.

This gradual approach is already underway, with students in the Nursing and Professional Kinesiology programs having returned to campus at the beginning of the term. Campus residences accommodated students with exception circumstances earlier this month. All residences buildings and both dining halls will be open and available for all residence students as of Saturday, Jan. 22.

The phased return to campus will continue as follows:

  • Week of Jan. 31:
    • All Year 1 and Year 4 (including 3Alpha90+) lectures, labs, seminars and tutorials
    • All academic activities held at the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts
    • All master’s and PhD courses
    • Pre-service courses in the Faculty of Education, excluding courses in Duration 12, which remain online
  • Week of Feb. 7:
    • All Year 2 and Year 3 lectures, labs, seminars and tutorials
  • Week of Feb. 28:
    • A small number of approximately 25 very large lectures will return following Reading Week. Students in these courses will be contacted via Sakai and/or their Brock email address to be informed if they are enrolled in these courses.
  • Courses scheduled for online delivery in the Winter Term will continue online

Brock takes its obligation to support a safe, meaningful, on-campus learning experience seriously and has put in place a range of public health measures. These include:

  • A COVID-19 vaccine mandate for anyone coming to campus
  • A COVID-19 booster vaccine requirement for those living in residence
  • Mandatory self-screening each time anyone comes to campus
  • A masking requirement that follows public health guidelines

Staff required to ensure a full student experience will return to working on campus Monday, Jan. 31. Supervisors will communicate plans shortly. A return to hybrid work plans for those continuing to work remotely will take place once provincial guidelines permit.

While the province’s definition of “fully vaccinated” has not changed, I want to encourage anyone who has not yet done so to get their booster dose as soon as possible. The University will continue to facilitate vaccination in any way we can, including hosting the province’s GO-VAXX vaccine clinic bus on campus and running on-campus vaccine clinics for students through Student Health Services.

Students, staff, faculty members and librarians are also reminded to monitor their health constantly and screen for COVID symptoms. If you are not feeling well, stay home and do not visit campus. The University will continue to work with the province to facilitate access to rapid antigen testing kits for members of the University community.

In addition to the return of on-campus learning, we’re looking forward to providing a meaningful student sport and recreation experience that includes the reopening of the Walker Sports Complex when permitted by the province. More details will follow in the coming weeks.

I know the return to campus is a time of great excitement for the community. I urge everyone to remain patient and respectful of each other as we make the transition back to campus, and to do everything possible — including following all public health guidance — to ensure a safe and productive Winter Term.

As always, we will continue to monitor the situation and provide regular updates as new information becomes available. We are thankful for the community’s understanding and flexibility.



Lynn Wells

Interim President and Vice-Chancellor
Provost and Vice-President, Academic

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