University alerted to cyber incident at long-term disability insurance provider

The Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan (OTIP), a third-party vendor that provides long-term disability insurance for some Brock employees, has notified the University that it recently experienced a cyber incident. A letter was provided from OTIP to Brock to share with employees.

OTIP has not confirmed that there was a breach of information as part of the incident and is currently conducting an investigation to determine if any Brock employee information has been compromised.

Brock University takes the privacy of its employees and community very seriously and is working closely with OTIP to understand how the incident occurred and what actions are being taken to increase security.

Brock University has reported this incident to the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.

If the OTIP investigation identifies a privacy breach to any Brock employee information, OTIP has committed to notify the University and any affected past or present Brock employees. Further updates and guidance will be provided by the University when OTIP’s investigation is completed.

OTIP’s Incident Support Team can be contacted at 1-888-350-1743, Monday to Sunday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

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