Brock media clips for Friday, Dec. 3

Here’s a look at some of the media attention Brock University received recently.

Brock immunologist discusses new COVID-19 variant and efforts to vaccinate children: Associate Professor of Health Sciences Adam MacNeil spoke to Newstalk 610 CKTB about efforts in the Niagara region to vaccinate children against COVID-19 as well as what is known and unknown about a new variant of the virus. MacNeil also spoke about equitable vaccine distribution in an article from The St. Catharines Standard that discussed who should be considering getting a booster shot and another St. Catharines Standard article that explored rising COVID-19 numbers across the American border.

Giving vaccinated workers a raise: Brock University Professor of Ethics Paul Dunn spoke to Newstalk 610 CKTB about the decision of Chapman’s ice cream to give its vaccinated workers a raise. Dunn will be making a regular appearance on the radio station to discuss issues related to the world of business.

New York City’s unsung monuments to working moms: Associate Professor of Labour Studies Simon Black’s research and quotes were included in an article from Smithsonian Magazine about a 1970s effort to grow a publicly funded childcare system in New York City.

Untrue claims, ugly health risks and the shrinking black-market pot trade: Associate Professor of Operations Research Michael Armstrong spoke to the London Free Press about the purchasing of black market cannabis by consumers after warnings about product irregularities were made by the Ontario Provincial Police. Armstrong also spoke to CBC Moncton about proposed changes that will allow private sector cannabis sales to take place in New Brunswick.

If you know of an appearance or story about a Brock faculty member, student, athlete or alumni, please drop us a line with a link to the story at


Read more stories in: Applied Health Sciences, Briefs, Business, Faculty & staff, In the Media, Social Sciences
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