Brock media clips for Friday, Oct. 8

Here’s a look at some of the media attention Brock University received recently.

 How safe and secure are digital vaccine passports?: Assistant Professor of Digital Media Aaron Mauro spoke to TVO about some of the technology that will be used to create vaccine passports in Ontario.

What are Canadian sports fans watching?: Assistant Professor of Sport Management Michael Naraine spoke to Newstalk 610 CKTB about the different sports Canadian fans are currently watching on television

Unsanctioned street parties in Thorold ongoing concern for Brock University: Brad Clarke, Brock’s Director of Student Life and Success, spoke to The St. Catharines Standard about actions the University is taking to ensure students residing off campus behave appropriately in the communities where they live.

Sustainability and remote learning achievements meet powerfully at Brock University with Azure Virtual Desktop: An article from The Microsoft Education Blog featured quotes from IT Infrastructure Architect Andreas Paulisch and discussed Brock’s adoption of virtual desktop technology and its contribution to the University’s sustainability goals.

If you know of an appearance or story about a Brock faculty member, student, athlete or alumni, please drop us a line with a link to the story at

Read more stories in: Applied Health Sciences, Briefs, Faculty & staff, Humanities, In the Media
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