Students coming onto campus reminded to self-screen using Brock Safety App tool

Brock University is reminding all students that — just like faculty, staff and visitors — they too must complete a brief online screening each day before coming onto campus.

Regardless of which Brock campus or site students are coming to or whether the trip is for classes, athletic activities, to study with friends or any other reason, students must complete the Brock Safety App COVID-19 Self-Assessment tool.

The screening will ask a series of questions and will give students a green date stamp if no risk is present. If a red date is shown or if students are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, they are asked not to attend campus and contact Niagara Region Public Health at 905-688-8248 (Press 7) or contact the COVID-19 nurse at

Students should be prepared to show the green date stamp screen as required, such as when accessing athletic facilities and other areas.

Students are also reminded that, as part of Brock’s COVID-19 vaccine policy, full vaccination is required for all individuals involved in any in-person activities on campus. This includes all faculty, staff and students, as well as all visitors and guests coming onto any Brock campus or site.

For more information about Brock’s COVID-19 Vaccine Policy and a list of frequently asked questions, please visit

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