Brock media clips for Friday, Sept. 10

Here’s a look at some of the media attention Brock University received recently.

Tories leading in two key seats, but polls are close: Associate Professor of Political Science Livianna Tossutti spoke to iPolitics and the St. Catharines Standard about the upcoming federal election and historical trends within the electoral ridings in St. Catharines and Niagara Falls. Tossutti also spoke to CHCH about the level of hostility being faced by some candidates.

Brock students return to campus: Brock University Interim President Lynn Wells spoke to Newstalk 610 CKTB about the staggered return of students to the University’s on-campus residences. Wells also spoke about the University’s vaccination declaration system in a St. Catharines Standard article.

Trying to organize the union vote: federal parties go after northern Ontario’s workers: Professor of Labour Studies Larry Savage spoke to CBC about union members who will be voting in the upcoming federal election.

Families would save the most with $10/day child-care plan: Associate Professor of Sociology and Associate Dean of Social Sciences Kate Bezanson spoke to iPolitics about the different plans for child care proposed by political parties in advance of the upcoming federal election.

What are the major parties promising Indigenous people this election? Here’s a look at the platforms: Assistant Professor of Political Science Liam Midzain-Gobin spoke to APTN about campaign promises made by political parties ahead of the federal election and how they are may be perceived by Indigenous Peoples in Canada.

More guidance needed for theatre’s road to recovery: Associate Professor of Dramatic Arts Karen Fricker talked to the St. Catharines Standard about the need for additional clarification from the provincial government when determining guidelines for the return of live theatre this fall.

Discussing the Olympics and Paralympics: Assistant Professor of Sport Management Taylor McKee talked to nine CBC radio stations across the country about the Paralympics, the International Olympic Committee and issues facing Olympic host cities.

If you know of an appearance or story about a Brock faculty member, student, athlete or alumni, please drop us a line with a link to the story at

Read more stories in: Applied Health Sciences, Briefs, Faculty & staff, Humanities, In the Media, Social Sciences
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