Brock media clips for Friday, May 7

Here’s a look at some of the media attention Brock University received recently.

‘Archaic’ government rules restricting Indigenous communities’ control over elections: study: Brock University Associate Professor of Political Science Nicole Goodman and McMaster University Associate Professor of Indigenous Studies Chelsea Gabel spoke to CBC and Windspeaker about research they conducted that explored the potential impact online voting could have on Indigenous communities.

Virtual exhibition showcases students’ responses to the pandemic: Visual Arts Gallery Assistant Sarah Martin (BA ’19) spoke to YourTV Niagara about a new exhibition of Brock student art, which she curated, that has been made available to the public virtually.

Adults make snap judgments based on kids’ facial cues: Research from Psychology master’s student Sophia Thierry, which examined adults’ split-second perceptions of children’s faces, was included in an article from

The strike-breakers’ playbook: Professor of Labour Studies Larry Savage was quoted in a Briarpatch article where he discussed the use of surveillance as a tactic by management within organizations to intimidate workers during strikes, lockouts and union certification campaigns.

If you know of an appearance or story about a Brock faculty member, student, athlete or alumni, please drop us a line with a link to the story at

Read more stories in: Briefs, Faculty & staff, Graduate Students, Graduate Studies, Humanities, In the Media, Social Sciences
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