Reminder: Power outage planned overnight Monday

Power to several Brock buildings will be temporarily interrupted the evening of Monday, March 8 to allow ongoing and necessary preventative maintenance to the University’s electrical systems.

The power outage will affect normal power to Robert S.K. Welch Hall, Scotiabank Hall, South Block and Thistle Complex from Monday, March 8 at 10 p.m. to Tuesday, March 9 at 3 a.m.

The emergency power will remain active other than a one-second interruption as the system transfers to the backup generator.

At all mentioned sites, computer systems will experience an ITS outage at about 9:30 p.m. prior to power being shut down at 10 p.m.

Some computers may not restart automatically after the power outages, which will disable users’ ability to connect remotely. If employees are unable to connect remotely to their computer, they’re asked to reach out to Information Technology Services, who will co-ordinate with Campus Security Services to manually power on employees’ computers.

Employees should not come to campus to restart their computers, as it would create unnecessary traffic at screening locations. Email or call 905-688-5550 x4357.

Questions can be directed to Facilities Management Customer Service at or 905-688-5550 x3717 or to Scott Kernicky, Electrical Services Manager, at or call 905-688-5550 x6201.

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