THONGPAPANL, ASHRAF, ANWAR and LAPA: How mobile shopping habits differ around the world, from Brazil to Australia

Narongsak (Tek) Thongpapanl, Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, and Professor of Marketing and Product Innovation at Brock University; Abdul Rehman Ashraf, Associate Professor of Marketing, Brock University; Ali Anwar, PhD candidate, Marketing, Wilfrid Laurier University; and Luciano Lapa, PhD candidate, Marketing, Indiana University, recently had a piece published in The Conversation comparing mobile shopping habits in different areas of the world.

They write:

“Mobile commerce (m-commerce) platforms often operate in several international markets. M-commerce managers often focus on which features should be kept constant and which should be adapted to specific characteristics of national markets.

Consider, for instance, an m-commerce platform designed for Australian consumers. To what extent should it be adapted when it’s introduced in Brazil? Are the tastes and needs of consumers in Australia similar to those of consumers in Brazil?

These are the questions that motivate and drive a series of multinational m-commerce studies conducted by Goodman School of Business researchers and their global colleagues.

By using and interacting with an m-commerce platform, consumers form their perceptions of its positive and negative attributes based on value perceptions. Our team of researchers have found that value perceptions fall under five major categories when it comes to m-commerce.”

Continue reading the full story here.

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