Brock working with Niagara community to encourage safe Halloween

Halloween masks have taken on a whole new meaning in 2020.

Brock University is reminding its students and community to be good neighbours and stay safe as Halloween — in the midst of a global pandemic — approaches on Saturday, Oct. 31.

Brock continues to work with local municipalities, Niagara Regional Police Service and Niagara Region Public Health to educate its students about making smart decisions, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We ask that students make smart and safe choices this Halloween and do whatever they can to help curb the spread of COVID-19,” said Brad Clarke, Director, Student Life and Success. “With case counts rising, the actions we all take now matter. There will come a time for us to celebrate together again, but unfortunately, this is not that time.”

Brock Campus Security has a full shift of staff working on campus during Halloween weekend, and has scheduled additional officers for residence patrol.

Additionally, as part of Brock’s Off-Campus Patrol program, Brock will patrol neighbourhoods in Thorold and St. Catharines on Friday, Oct. 30 and Saturday, Oct. 31. Brock is also subsidizing the cost of hiring additional NRPS officers to assist with neighbourhood patrols on each of those nights.

The Brock University Students’ Union (BUSU) has also been speaking with students through a video message posted to its YouTube page.

“We know that Halloween is a festivity that students enjoy celebrating,” said BUSU President Asad Jalib. “With COVID-19 cases on the rise in our province, we need to continue to follow public health guidelines as we have been doing over the past few months. Together, we will get to the other side.”

While much of the focus this fall has been on COVID safety, Brock and the students’ union have been using social media to also encourage responsible partying, safe drinking, consent, how to comply with local and provincial bylaws and fire safety.


COVID-19 tips from Public Health:

  • Limit close contact to people living in your own household
  • Virtual gatherings or events are the safest way to visit or recognize occasions with people outside your household
  • Gatherings or events outdoors are safer than indoors; however, physical distancing of two metres must still be maintained
  • If you have a gathering with people you do not live with, physical distancing of two metres must be maintained and gatherings must adhere to public health restrictions
  • The fewer people gathered, the lower the risk of COVID-19 transmission

Public Health tips around Halloween:

  • Stay home if feeling ill or if you have mild symptoms
  • Only go out with members of your direct household
  • Only trick-or-treat outside
  • Both trick-or-treaters and people handing out candy should wear a face covering
  • A costume mask is not a substitute for a face covering and should not be worn over a face covering as it may make it difficult to breathe
  • Whether collecting or handing out treats, wash your hands often and thoroughly or use hand sanitizer
  • Do not leave treats in a bucket or bowl for children to grab
  • Consider using tongs, or other similar tools to hand out treats

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