Brock staff and faculty invited to apply for the Brock Mentorship Program

Human Resources is giving University staff and faculty the chance to focus on their professional development this fall with the launch of the 2020-21 Brock Mentorship Program. 

The University’s coveted program aims to create and sustain an inclusive mentoring community that fosters diversified knowledge, the opportunity to learn from colleagues and create meaningful connections across campus. Originally launched in 2018, this is the third year that Human Resources will run the program. 

There are two ways to participate in the Mentorship Program: becoming a mentor or mentee.

To be eligible to become a mentor, the employee must be in a permanent position with more than one year of service at Brock. They must also complete the necessary mentor orientation.

Through this program, mentors are able to gain fresh perspectives through their work with their assigned mentee, refine their interpersonal, leadership and communication skills, and also expand their professional network and keeping up to date with current education topics.

“From my first visit to Brock 17 years ago, I felt a terrific sense of collegiality,” said Kinesiology Professor Bareket Falk and past mentor for the program. “This feeling has persisted to this day. Through the mentorship program, I wanted to give back and provide this sense of collegiality to other, new members of the Brock community.”  

All active Brock employees can become mentees. Ideally, a mentee is an individual who is focused on professional growth, has clear objectives and is willing to receive feedback.

Mentees are empowered to improve their communication and interpersonal skills, expand their institutional knowledge, enhance their confidence in dealing with challenges and issues, and broaden their networking and professional development opportunities.

The program will match mentees with mentors who have experience, knowledge and insight that assist mentees in meeting their unique professional development goals. The mentor and mentee relationship will span over eight months, from October to May, and requires both parties to commit to meeting for at least one hour per month.

Jocelyn Titone, Interim Marketing and Communications Co-ordinator, Goodman School of Business said that participating in the Brock Mentorship Program was a valuable experience.

“Not only did I learn about my mentor’s journey to be a female leader at the University, I also learned about other departments on campus by attending team meetings and learned about myself through personality exercises and reflection,” Titone said. “It was nice to have someone to turn to for advice about advancing my career and managing a healthy work-life balance.”

The application deadline for both mentors and mentees is Friday, Sept. 11 with confirmation of pairings being communicated on Friday, Sept. 21. All parties will be expected to participate in a Mentor Orientation (tentatively scheduled for September 25), as well as a Mentorship Kick-Off event (tentatively scheduled for October 2). 

“The value of a successful mentorship partnership is priceless, and I am excited to be a part of this growing program,” said Cathy Baillie, Learning and Organizational Development Specialist, lead of this year’s Mentorship Program. “I look forward to meeting all of our participants.”

For more information on the program and application process, visit the Learning and Development SharePoint site.

Questions can be directed to Cathy Baillie at

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