COULTER and DREW: Four ways you can keep Ontario wildlife safe this spring

Kendra Coulter, Chair of the Department of Labour Studies at Brock University, and John Drew, PhD candidate in Education at Western University, co-wrote a piece recently published on the TVO website about how humans in Ontario can protect animals in the province as they go about their spring and summer routines.

They write:

“The much-anticipated arrival of spring is a particularly busy and important time for some Ontarians: our animal neighbours. 

Carefully choosing nest locations and the right building materials. Feeding babies. Guarding nests, burrows, and dens. Teaching the young the skills they’ll need to survive on their own and, later, care for their own offspring. The chipmunks are already planning for next winter, furiously searching for nuts to store away in their underground homes.

Like us, animals must do work to survive, thrive, and ensure that there are future generations. They are at work all around us, and human actions can help — or hinder — them. Here are four ways you can help.”

Continue reading the full article here.

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