VASSEUR and GOUPIL: Investing in Ecosystems and Green Infrastructure: the Way to Go for Post COVID-19 Recovery

Liette Vasseur, Professor of Biological Sciences and UNESCO Chair on Community Sustainability: From Local to Global, co-wrote a piece with Sébastien Goupil, Secretary-General of Canadian Commission for UNESCO in Canadian Science Policy Centre about investing in ecosystems and green infrastructure after the COVID-19 pandemic.

They write:

“The COVID-19 crisis is now — rightly — occupying virtually all our mental and media spaces. To protect ourselves from the virus, the isolation and complete shutdown of “non-essential” economic activities are contributing to other worries, including those related to how economies and international trade will recover.

In view of the scale of the crisis, the G20 has expressed its readiness to inject more than five trillion dollars to stimulate the economy. However, many hope that lessons can be learned from the current situation to rethink our world and lay the foundations for a new approach to economic development.

Why not consider prioritizing our ecosystems and green infrastructure as one of the desired collective responses and a positive legacy of this global crisis?”

Continue reading the full story here.

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