Dining Services donates trays to local long-term care home

A donation of nearly 200 dining trays by Brock University’s Dining Services department has increased the level of safety for residents at Henley House long-term care residence in St. Catharines.

Following the advance of COVID-19 in Ontario, many restrictions have been put in place in an attempt to control the spread of the virus. One of those controls specific to long-term care facilities is to increase physical distancing of residents.

“These necessary restrictions create challenges with regards to food delivery,” said Heather Colyer, Administrator, Henley House. “After contacting many of our suppliers, we quickly learned that there were no trays to be found.”

Henley House then contacted Brock’s Dining Services and asked if they could help.

With residences closed and dining operations on campus significantly reduced due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there were plenty of trays not being used at Brock.

“Our residents and staff are forever grateful for the generosity of Brock University,” said Colyer.

The donation of the trays adds to the growing list of equipment and resources the University has offered to its community during the pandemic.

Previously, Brock donated a truck load full of personal protective equipment to Niagara’s front-line health-care workers, and numerous University employees have been helping in the fight against COVID-19 using 3D printers and sowing machines.

The University asks that any requests for equipment or resources be directed to universitycom@brocku.ca

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